Memories of the Forestials



In the silence of the night,

Our tired eyes burn bright,

How hard it is for you and me

To make the world what it used to be.


Ringing rivers by the woods,

Sighing forests by the lakes,

Humans haven’t understood,

Burning life in their mistakes.


Native caves are cooling down,

Losing order, comfort, charm,

And new minds in crowded towns

Forge their chains, to our alarm.


No more wild and fearsome packs,

All nocturnal shrines are gone,

Alien deathland giving cracks,

Lifeless strongholds save no one.


But in darkness of my heart,

Burning fire is still alive.

My night is mixing up with light,

My day with starry blackness rife.


While I’m staying here with you,

Shimmering of stars will reach,

And between times, old and new,

I will build a sturdy bridge.


Decorate this world I will

With a pinch of years gone by,

So that friends remember still

What they’ve promised me and why.


I will mark the path of truth,

And I’ll spread my leather wings,

We can’t bring back our world,

So the new one’s to begin.


Вспоминания Лесных

Горят в тиши ночной

Усталые глаза.

Как трудно нам с тобой

Вернуть наш мир назад…


Теперь звенящих рек

И леса у озёр

Не любит человек,

Бросая жизнь в костёр.


Остыл родных пещер

Порядок и уют,

А новые умы

Оковы нам куют.


Нет больше диких стай,

И нет ночных святынь.

Чужим стал этот край

Безжизненных твердынь.


Но в сердце у меня

Ещё горит огонь –

Смешенье ночи дня

И светлости ночной.


И вот пока я здесь –

Не стихнет трепет звёзд,

А между всех времён

Сооружу я мост.


Украшу этот мир

Щепоткой прошлых лет,

Чтоб добрые друзья

Хранили свой обет.


Намечу верный Путь,

И крылья распахну –

Тот мир нам не вернуть,

Сначала я начну.

New and a bit lost


So, I hope I’m doing this right. But I’m a newbie here that identifies as a Faerykin.
I started to have a hunch as to my potential when I was around 12 or 13. I can’t exactly remember the day or time of my “awakening”. Around that time though I began to see things in nature more intuitively. I would always say that I viewed the world through the artist’s eye because of how I would appreciate the very fine details in nature that others take for granted or just don’t plain care to see. Every vein on a leaf, every speckle of shine on a rock, the character of each twig and how they bend. I felt a sense of magic and wonder in the breezy air.
Ever since I was a kid I wish I could fly through the sky, and would love staring up at the clouds letting them carry my thoughts with them. And because of my deep intuition of the earth, I do my best to care for the environment. I love fantasy and often wish I could escape from the human world to be carefree and enjoy life. Dragonflies were another indicator for me. Ever since I was little I liked dragonflies (and about two years ago I realized they were my totem animal/totem guide/spirit animal (whatever you want to call it). I’ve had various of animals that I liked growing up, but dragonflies recently came back into my life. And I read that in some folktales that dragonflies are faery steeds or that if you followed a dragonfly it would lead you to faeries. And a few times there would be dragonflies that would zip right at me or over my head. Which I found to be quite fascinating and peculiar.
When I was around 14 I realized that my shoulder blades were more sensitive than the rest of me, which only strengthened my inner intuition of my self being more than human. So I think that may have been the final switch that got turned on and discover that my spirit is of faerykind.
When I first met my boyfriend of 9 years now, I was worried that my conjecture may scare him off, make him think I’m crazy. But thankfully he wasn’t, and he even accepted that part of me even going as far as brushing my shoulder blades in affection or whenever I feel the change in season approaching or gush about nature he would chuckle and say “That’s my faery girl.”

But now that I’ve come to terms with who I am, there are still some things I want to learn. Like, do faeries have certain elemental affinities? Though I talk about the earth and nature a lot I find that it’s water and air more specifically that I’m drawn to. And do faeries really have wings or are they more like projections of energy/aura? How would I be able to tell what mine look like? Since dragonflies have always been fascinating to me I always pictured having a set of wings like theirs.



The world becomes most magickal
like frost is dripping with etherical dew when I am walking along
enchanted forest paths with the likes of you
We belong within this realm
with horns and leaves in our hair
dancing, kissing, laughter ringing
walking in caves and The gnomes lair
Who will know
just who we’ll meet
when we go a troopin’ through?
I don’t mind
For I am enchanted, glamoured
when by my side Is you.
I know with some odd disillusion
That I am dreaming and i hope I’ll not wake
I wish too stay right where we are
making love in this tarn green lake
Don’t you agree
do you want too stay
where faeries like us taunt you all the day?
Say you love us, make things merry
In The world of Faery.

The Faerie Trick


Across the fields and forests lay
A land named faerie, tucked away…

A farmer passed a hollow tree
And stepped within to closer see;
But how I ask, could he have known
The ancient tree led to Faerie home?

Through the tree a farmer stepped
Into a forest the faeries kept…

And out he stepped into the light,
Upon a path that shimmered bright
The farmer knew that he should stay
Lest the ‘Little people’ lead him astray.

Within the trees the faeries watched,
Waiting to make the farmer lost…

Farther down the glowing path
He chanced upon a maidens bath,
Bewitched was he and closer crept,
Til close enough, and then he lept.

The maiden was a faerie trick
And the farmer lost the path of brick…

The faeries led this man astray
Off the path to loose his way,
To wander the forest forever more
To search for the Fae-maiden he saw.

So do not stray from the path my friend,
Or be forever lost until your end…

Faerie Warning


Faeries dance with moonbeams
Inside the mushroom ring.
Can you hear them calling?
Do you hear them sing?
Gossamer gowns of spiders silk
Wings of silver and golden light
Entice them in with honeyed milk
They’re invisible to mortal sight.
Elven mounds and mushroom rings
Magical doorways to their realm
Enchantment guards both these things
And all you see is a stately elm.

Mortal, mortal stay away
Or never more be seen
Stay away from the lands of the fey
And live to remember yester’en.

Fires of His Eyes


In the fires of his eyes
In whispered words so sage and wise
Under ancient forest ceiling
Feel this strange and glorious feeling
Feel the touch, the soft caress
The whispered velvet of his breath
The feel of petal soft lips to mine
And feel the touch of the silken line
That holds his charm to my breast
And now my heart knows no rest
As I sit and dream of the faerie king
His silver hair and sights unseen
Of ancient voices soft as lutes
To which we mortals are as mutes
And if I am left with naught but dreams
To live my life wondering what it means
Then when I tire of this life and die
My spirit to faerie lands will fly
To sing forever, play and run
With immortal youth;
with midnights son.

Raven’s Child


Ravens child beware the green
and golden bowers
For the faerie folk do dwell there and
Moonlights son is King
Stay away from crystal brooks and silver
spired towers
Can you not feel the danger when you see
the mushroom ring
Raven’s child he waits for you
Silver haired is the fairie lord
Eyes of moondust misty blue
Speaks in silken voice the faerie word
Wandering under the emerald bough
In the blackest dead of night
Searching for that which will not show
Its shining face to mortals sight
And silver haired Moonlights son
Will hand in hand with faeries dance
Till Lady Night has had her fun
And will take no note of happenstance
And Ravens’ child will wander through
To dance inside the mushroom ring
Underneath stately oaks and emerald bough
Where Moonlight’s son is faerie king
And come the dawn they’ll be no more
And mortals’ daughter Raven’s child
will have gone away
With silver haired Moonlight’s son
through the elven door
That leads to the realms of ereafter
and the lands of Fey.

The Silent Musings


if one would know Faerie,
seek solitude…
silently and alone, walk many times
in sun, in wind, in storm, or thick mist,
through woods, on hills, over rocks,
into the wild places of this world…
watch from among them the course
of the sun and the moon,
from east to west, sunrise to sunset,
from new moon to full moon,
in silent solitude…
even by day,
is a deeper silence
full of profound meaning…
the natural beauty without
awakens the divine beauty within…
is a mystic stillness
broken only by the ceaseless
beating of the sea waves,
flowing of rivers and brooks,
singing of trees,
voices of the Ancestors…
in solitude…
is a more divine music
than any earthly tune…
the song of creation,
we are in the song
and the song is in us…
of Land, and Sea, and Sky,…
of gentle mountains flowing
into fertile valleys of land waves
into well-tilled plains…
in solitude
are the mystic breezes
from the OtherWorld
flowing into the Here and Now,
blending with this world…
hazy are the boundaries,
filmy are the veils,
in solitude…
be alone but never lonely,
an overlapping consciousness
of an invisible OtherWorld
mingles with this world daily…
deep down inside,…
the sacred fires still burn on hilltops,
the sacred groves still grow
immortal in the Green…
our Ancestors walk among us
in nature… innate…
in solitude…
…if one would know Faerie.