Razkhel's profile was updated 6 years, 4 months ago ·
Razkhel posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago ·
It’s sad that this site is not very active these days.
I’m not sure it was ever “active” in a sense of these kind of journal-site or Facebook-like status-updatey things. That’s a feature that came with this WordPress backend (vs. Malcolm’s old homegrown setup) that I personally find slightly strange. 15 years ago the directory used to be a great help for webweaving, but other than that I thought of…[Read more]
Razkhel changed their profile picture 6 years, 4 months ago ·
Razkhel commented on the post, My Otherkin Story 7 years, 7 months ago ·
Physical shifting is scientifically impossible. You are deffinitely not going to be taken seriously just about anywhere if you believe in such nonsense.
Razkhel posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago ·
Any active otherkin forum suggestions?
Kinmunity is not an option, due to the site admin.-
I don’t think there really are any anymore. Kinmunity is the one people tell me actually has activity these days (I’m not a member) so if that’s out, I dunno what to say. Werelist possibly, but I’m not a member there either since as fae I figure I would be out of place. Otherkin Community used to be the most active one I personally am a member of,…[Read more]
I remember seeing you somewhere else other than here… anyways, directly answering your question, from the ones marked as “active” in AnOtherWiki:
— Most likely you may find to be active —
http://www.kinmunity.com {otherkin}
http://www.draconity.org {dragonkin and dragonhearted}
dreamhart.org/forum {otherkin}
http://www.werelist.net {therian; some otherkin can be…[Read more]-
To be entirely fair, the ones marked as “active” on AnOtherWiki are largely active in this sense these days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNlcGpUD5zw
The most active otherkin forum I know of other than Kinmunity is probably draconity.org, if that helps.
forum.otherkinphenomena.org {otherkin} {boards are mostly private; unknown if active or not}
Not very active. There are occasional posts that are not me announcing meetups.
http://www.embracingmystery.org {otherkin & metaphysical} {seems abandoned}
Not abandoned at all. But again, not very active and a fair amount of the traffic is my meetup…[Read more]
Judging by the amount of sites I visited and that I took more than 2 hours to visit them all, at least one mistake was already expected. Thank you for the correction.
*makes arcane hand gesture warding against the evil that is Facebook*
Razkhel posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago ·
Lately I’ve been struggling with the feeling of not feeling connected to this world, and just wishing to go back as a dragon and live life in another plane. I’ve had these possible past life memories coming up recently, and it intensifies the feeling, which would make sense, I suppose. In these memories I am a colour of deep blue, scaled, as I see…[Read more]
I just come here to pretend I’m something I’m not. I pretend to be a damselfly-winged bullfrog, because that’s been a kind of totem of mine since I was very young. I imagine myself as fairy in the form of a damselfly-winged bullfrog. I think there is 0 possibility that I have some kind of a soul of frog-fairy, but I also think there is almost no…[Read more]
Razkhel's profile was updated 8 years, 6 months ago ·
Razkhel posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago ·
Hello! I am Razkhel, a Norwegian blue dragoness. I have been part of the otherkin community for about 11 years now and have indentified as a dragon for as long as I can remember.