What have I done to further my own Awakening? Personally, I’ve spent the past 17 years exploring, documenting, and comparing and contrasting my memories of other lives with others who remember the same or similar things. I’ve gone over memories in what, to many, would be exhausting detail to wring every bit of information possible from them.
There’s often a lot that can be deduced from the contents of a memory that may not be directly obvious. Let’s say you have a memory of traveling: what is the method of traveling? A culture that travels by horseback (or an equivalent animal) is different from one which travels by camel (or an equivalent animal) and is different still from one which travels by some form of flighted animal. And all of these cultures are different from ones which use mechanical means of transportation. Even if you’re walking, there is possible information: is the road you are walking on wide or narrow? The wider the road, the more traveled it will tend to be. Is it dirt, gravel, cobble, paved? If paved, can you tell what materials are used – modern asphalt is very different from the stone blocks used by the Romans. How well maintained is it? Do you have any idea of the travel time and/or distances involved? All of these details can provide clues about the culture you were part of. Now, what about your footwear? Your clothes? The other belongings you were carrying? Pay attention not just to what things are, but the materials used and how they are put together and what that implies about the technology and/or magic involved.
Every memory is dense with information, if you take the time to explore it. And working with those memories is what is going to lead you deeper into Awakening. The old Lostkin Project would stand as both a good example for that and another resource you might check out on the subject of “awakening more fully”. The mailing list itself has not seen much traffic in some time, but the list archives remain and span a period of active discussion from 1999 through 2012, with hundreds of members.