
  • otherkinnet posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago  · 

    I am working on a new version of, not based on WordPress. I still have a lot of content to move over, but please take a look at the beta and let me know what you think:

    • My browser tells me the security certificate is invalid, I guess because it’s not good for that specific subdomain?

      • Yes, I didn’t set up a security certificate just for the beta test. Just used the blanket one for which isn’t valid for the subdomain. You’ll have to manually accept the certificate to test it. Sorry about that.

    • It looks really good. 🙂

    • Generally it looks fine, although I don’t see any real difference in look and feel compared to WordPress.

      I think you’ll want to either change the size of the banner, or make the background behind it black or some kind of green, or something. The black rectangle in the middle of blue looks kind of odd.

      I have a bogus friend request notification in the top toolbar. It shows a red circled “1” but when I click it, the actual Friend Requests page says I have none (as I would expect).

      I can’t upload an avatar. When I click Edit Avatar, the text on the page saying “Upload a new avatar” is not a link and there’s no buttons. (might be as intended for now?)

      Not sure about use of the term “Blogs”. Why not “Articles”, like on the WordPress version? “Blogs” seems misleading, unless you really want people to start adding personal blog/journal posts, which doesn’t seem to match what’s currently in that section. (especially I would not love to see a bunch of twitter-sized posts… although that is probably unlikely given general levels of traffic 😛 ) Is it possible to have a separate section for the stuff that is really *articles* rather than blending it together?

      I would like some more obvious labeling that the Chat link goes to Discord. I was expecting a Javascript chat module or something. (I can see why you want direct traffic to the existing Discord chat rather than having some kind of little Javascript box here, it was just a surprise since it wasn’t labeled that way.)

      I’m uneasy about the idea of a Leaderboard. I’m not sure whether it’s more likely to inspire real content or spam/frivolous posting.

      Is Settings > Configure your tools > Activity Tabs supposed to do anything yet? It looks blank. Also, if I try to get there by clicking “Configure Activity Tabs” from the Activity page, it attempts to go to testing.dreamhart. org/settings/plugins/arethinn but I just get the base settings page testing.dreamhart. org/settings/user/arethinn. (Should maybe be testing.dreamhart. org/settings/plugins/arethinn/mt_activity_tabs ?)

      (sorry for the munged links, but the form kept telling me “You have posted too many links”)

      • Sorry for being so slow on getting back to you on this. Had to think things over. In the end, I realized that it wasn’t a good fit for what I wanted either. It wasn’t WordPress, but it wasn’t really an improvement on WordPress either. Going to keep looking into other options, and take the feedback you’ve given me into consideration.