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Active 4 years ago-
otherkinnet wrote a new post 1 month, 3 weeks ago ·
What's Changed?Originally posted to the WanderingPaths mailing list on April 8, 2011. This was written as a poetic focus used as part of a Calling to the spirit the otherkin community once had. Do you remember those days, so dear now they’ve gone, when kin were like a family and not so withdrawn? And we didn’t all agree, we didn’t all get along, we squabbled, we fought, but we kept going strong. There were glades of fae and satyrs, who’d beckon you come in, pixies who growled, while dragons smiled and grinned. What’s changed over time, and what’s been the cost? What have we gained, and what have we lost? Lists weren’t abandoned, or deleted outright. Folks didn’t stop talking over one little fight. New kin weren’t dissected, like lab specimens, to see if they’re trolling or if they’re genuine. There were glades of fae and satyrs, who’d beckon you come in, pixies who growled, while dragons smiled and grinned. What’s changed over time, and what’s been the cost? What have we gained, and what have we lost? Where are the satyrs, space-elves and sidhe? Brrrnn, multiples, hosts and Tuatha DD? And the cloak-winged dragons who danced on the wind? Do you think we’ll ever see them again? There were glades of fae and satyrs, who’d beckon you come in, pixies who growled, while dragons smiled and grinned. What’s changed over time, and what’s been the cost? What have we gained, and what haveRead more
otherkinnet wrote a new post 1 month, 3 weeks ago ·
Silent Voices CallingThe poetic focus of a Calling to others like ourselves. Originally published on February 1, 2005 on http://wanderingpaths.heliwood.org By oak and ash and rowan tree The ancient magic calls to thee Who are kith and kin to we By blood and spirit called to me. By alder, elm and yew Our community to renew Healing it and growing too. By flesh and bone and sinew By land and sea and sky Let our true kindred hear my cry All that walk or swim or fly Family can never die. Feel the call of Dream, my friends Feel the Song that never ends Beneath the Tree that never bends Feel the Song that never ends Feel the call of Dream, my friends Family can never die All that walk or swim or fly Let our true kindred hear my cry By land and sea and sky. By flesh and bone and sinew Healing it and growing too Our community to renew By alder, elm, and yew. By blood and spirit called to me Who are kith and kin to we The ancient magic calls to thee By oak andRead more
otherkinnet posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago ·
The problem with the guest authors plugin should be completely resolved. A disclaimer has also been added to all articles which were migrated from the original otherkin.net noting that the date of publication is not correct. Unfortunately I do not have the original publication dates to update them in the database, I could at best approximate…[Read more]
otherkinnet posted an update 1 month, 4 weeks ago ·
Just so folks know, there’s been a problem with the plugin used to generate author names for the older articles that were imported into the wordpress version of this site from the original otherkin.net. It was causing all comments on the posts by “guest authors”, authors without accounts on the current wordpress site, to show as the guest author…[Read more]
otherkinnet replied to the topic Angelkin in the forum
Angelkin 5 years, 6 months ago ·
Hello, Azlyn. Welcome.
I’m not sure where you read that angelkin don’t like or get along with one another. In my experience, that’s not really the case. In its heyday, the angelkin mailing list on yahoogroups had hundreds of members, lively discussions, and a real sense of community. Unfortunately it, like pretty much all of the otherkin…[Read more]
otherkinnet posted an update 5 years, 10 months ago ·
May be out of touch for a little bit. Starting a new position with my company, and right now things are kind of crazy. Lots of long hours ahead. In the long run it’s a good move for me, but the transition is going to be rough until we can get some new systems and strategies in place.
otherkinnet posted an update 6 years, 12 months ago ·
Just for the record, if you send me a private message asking for permission to post an invitation to your research project on the site and I don’t reply to it one way or the other, that’s not blanket permission to start contacting users via PM to recruit them for the project.
otherkinnet posted an update in the group
Angelkin 7 years ago ·
Hey folks, just found out about a discord server which has been created for angelkin: https://discord.gg/hb5makZ
This is not an endorsement, I don’t know the admin (they go by m.ko on discord) and I have not participated in it yet (though I’m joining to check it out now), but I thought people would want to know – you don’t see too many resources…[Read more]
otherkinnet posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago ·
We just switched over to PHP7 and MariaDB. I think folks will notice the site is loading in about half the time (on average) so that’s a good thing. We did have to sacrifice one plugin – the one that let folks report users/content for moderation. It was completely breaking the site. I might be able to fix it with some time (as I already fixed…[Read more]
D’oh. I was just looking for that feature yesterday (https://www.otherkin.net/2017/12/sdgdgsdgddgsdgssdgsdg/ looked to me like junk, although I suppose it’s possible it was that person testing how to do something). I was really confused when I couldn’t find where to click to report.
That’s odd, I marked them as spam… I thought that removed their post, or at least made it so only admins could see it. *goes to delete*
otherkinnet voted up the link Between Forest and Sea 7 years, 3 months ago ·
otherkinnet voted up the link The Art and Writing of Orion Scribner 7 years, 3 months ago ·
otherkinnet created the link The Art and Writing of Orion Scribner 7 years, 3 months ago ·
The art and writing of Orion Scribner, […]
otherkinnet created the link Between Forest and Sea 7 years, 3 months ago ·
Personal website of the multiple system […]
otherkinnet posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago ·
I am working on a new version of otherkin.net, not based on WordPress. I still have a lot of content to move over, but please take a look at the beta and let me know what you think: https://testing.dreamhart.org
My browser tells me the security certificate is invalid, I guess because it’s not good for that specific subdomain?
Yes, I didn’t set up a security certificate just for the beta test. Just used the blanket one for dreamhart.org which isn’t valid for the subdomain. You’ll have to manually accept the certificate to test it. Sorry about that.
It looks really good. 🙂
Generally it looks fine, although I don’t see any real difference in look and feel compared to WordPress.
I think you’ll want to either change the size of the banner, or make the background behind it black or some kind of green, or something. The black rectangle in the middle of blue looks kind of odd.
I have a bogus friend request notification…[Read more]
Sorry for being so slow on getting back to you on this. Had to think things over. In the end, I realized that it wasn’t a good fit for what I wanted either. It wasn’t WordPress, but it wasn’t really an improvement on WordPress either. Going to keep looking into other options, and take the feedback you’ve given me into consideration.
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