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Active 4 years ago-
Lifor posted a new activity comment 4 years, 11 months ago ·
The ethics of our people’s may have been wildly different but I’m glad that even then there are some interesting points of similarity beyond “pointed”ears lol
Lifor posted an update 4 years, 11 months ago ·
Is it just me or is spamming article after article about steaming videos seem like a troll move. The bad kind not the otherkin kind. Sorry that is a poor choice of words. If somebody knows another word for internet trolls reply with it. If there isn’t another word let’s make one maybe.
Lifor posted a new activity comment 4 years, 11 months ago ·
The unfortunate thing with the Sha is that while polygamous there were rarely polyamorous or even amorous for that matter. There utilitarian natures poisoned their passions to the point that while they loved all fellow Sha as sisters and brothers they often thought of marriage and copulating was regarded as an obligation to the next generation…[Read more]
Lifor posted an update 5 years ago ·
I find many posts incredibly interesting but I see a case of rose colored lenses being all to common. Of course we will see our otherness as the us we prefer over humanity but in many cases I see a lack of negativity. That is where I find my remembering so at odds. Many of my remembering are not good but that doesn’t make it bad to uncover. If y…[Read more]
The unfortunate thing with the Sha is that while polygamous there were rarely polyamorous or even amorous for that matter. There utilitarian natures poisoned their passions to the point that while they loved all fellow Sha as sisters and brothers they often thought of marriage and copulating was regarded as an obligation to the next generation…[Read more]
The ethics of our people’s may have been wildly different but I’m glad that even then there are some interesting points of similarity beyond “pointed”ears lol
Lifor commented on the post, Religion and the Sha 5 years ago ·
I would be happy to address your questions. First the tree priestesses can’t bear children because the vines growing from her body would compete for nutrients with the fetus severely weakening her and starving the fetus to death as the developing fetus begins to need more and more nutrients. Also the roots of those vines are spread beneath her s…[Read more]
Lifor commented on the post, Looking For Those Willing To Help 5 years ago ·
I represent a small community of elves and I can arrange a couple volunteers
Lifor wrote a new post 5 years ago ·
Religion and the Sha
The Sha are a very spiritual people and hold a religion that draws heavy influence from their utilitarian natures.
A cornerstone of the Sha faith is that they make no attempt in e […]-
I would be happy to address your questions. First the tree priestesses can’t bear children because the vines growing from her body would compete for nutrients with the fetus severely weakening her and starving the fetus to death as the developing fetus begins to need more and more nutrients. Also the roots of those vines are spread beneath her skin and while very durable these roots aren’t able to stretch much so the expansion of her belly will cause root damage thereby jeopardizing her symbiotic relationship and leaving her disfigured.
To your second question they don’t grow their hair back because the vine grow directly from the follicle and suppress hair development.
To your third question not usually but they can sometimes remember quite a bit but it depends a great deal on the particulars of the reincarnation and I plan to do an entire article about it in the future. I will say that if an someone happens upon the ancestor tree of their previous incarnation they can regain their knowledge and experiences from their previous life but this was an exceedingly rare occurrence even at the zenith of Sha civilization.
Lifor's profile was updated 5 years ago ·
Lifor became a registered member 5 years ago ·
They’re definitely bots. They’re a perennial problem that tends to run in waves. I’m not sure why Jarin isn’t able to get a handle on them. I guess they’re pretty clever these days in defeating captchas and the “move the slider and wait until it turns green” kind of thing that is used for logging in, or maybe there’s API weaknesses being…[Read more]
Combination of things – some spam these days is actually done by humans who are being paid to do so as an actual job, other spam is now done by bots that are based on browser-automation technology so it’s very difficult to distinguish them from actual users, and wordpress as a platform is one of the most targeted for this sort of thing. I’ve been…[Read more]