LavenderHeather wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago ·
So, I hope I’m doing this right. But I’m a newbie here that identifies as a Faerykin. I started to have a hunch as to my potential when I was around 12 or 13. I can’t exactly remember the day or time of my […]
LavenderHeather changed their profile picture 6 years, 1 month ago ·
LavenderHeather's profile was updated 6 years, 1 month ago ·
LavenderHeather became a registered member 6 years, 1 month ago ·
(hmm, spam comment above. 😛 )
“Like, do faeries have certain elemental affinities? Though I talk about the earth and nature a lot I find that it’s water and air more specifically that I’m drawn to.”
Some do, others do not. It’s certainly not a requirement.
“And do faeries really have wings or are they more like projections of energy/aura?”
Good question! In older traditional lore of northwestern Europe, the human-shaped otherworldly peoples (fairy folk, alfar, daoine sidhe) don’t have wings (or pointed ears for that matter) – see https://lairbhan.blogspot.com/2017/12/why-do-elves-have-pointed-ears.html for some more on this, and why they may have come in through the practices of Victorian-era theater. But that said, a lot of fae otherkin seem to have them in one form or another. In the winged forms I remember they were at least partly physical but not used for flight, and by the same token they were at least partly nonphysical and more like energy projections; I’ve used the phrase “a tattoo of light on the air”. One of the folks in the SF Bay Otherkin meetup (a pixie, I think) says she thinks of wings as a metaphor for an energy shape.
“How would I be able to tell what mine look like?”
My not-useful answer is that I just kinda know. It’s just part of what I think of when I picture myself, the same way I know what color my hair is.
Err, spam below, I guess! I didn’t realize the comments would appear in reverse chrono order.
It makes sense that there would be variance, considering how vast the Fae cosmos must be. And it’s even possible that they could be seeing different spectrums of light.
Hello! I’ve recently come to understand that I am also a fae, and my search for more knowledge on this brought me to Otherkin. I’d love to connect, and talk! I’m a bit confused and lost too 😕