Gary Leigh replied to the topic I could use some info in the forum
People that need help 6 years, 8 months ago ·
Did you drink the blood in the 3D or astral?
Sounds like you’ve taken on aspects of other beings to me.
Gary Leigh replied to the topic I could use some info in the forum
People that need help 6 years, 10 months ago ·
8 wings? Most I’ve come across myself is 6. But generally, each set would be due to being a hybrid of a being with wings, or carrying more than one energies.
Gary Leigh reacted to an update 6 years, 10 months ago ·
Gary Leigh replied to the topic my meditation experience / can someone explain it? in the forum
People that need help 7 years ago ·
In my experience, there seem to be dragons everywhere. So it would not be improbable that you may be a dragonkin. Normally I can tell if someone is a dragon (especially if they are male) but have not come across female ones that I’m aware of.
Still, if you feel comfortable, feel free to send me a photo of you and I can take a look at your energy.
Gary Leigh posted an update in the group
People that need help 7 years, 2 months ago ·
Hi and thanks for creating this group.
Anyone ever have trouble comprehending how real this possibly is? Some days, I just can’t get my head around it.
Gary Leigh posted an update in the group
Phoenixkin 7 years, 7 months ago ·
Created a group for those who resonate with the phoenix energy. I know there are more out there than most think.