How to m shift?


Does anyone know or would be willing to help me m-shift into my theriotype? Thanks!!!

My Otherkin Story


Hello my name is fluffy I am a fox therian. I decided to join this website after Shiro kicked me off kinmunity for believing in physical shifting which I have a feeling might be very hypocritical since I heard shiro and I quote say “The country’s laws doesn’t apply to kinmunity.” which makes me wonder if he might be hiding something but anyways. I also have extreme beef with the admins of kinmunity so don’t even get me started on that. On top of that some of the people from kinmunity are a little or should I say extremely crazy once when you get to know them as well as I did.

So enough of me ranting about my beef with kinmunity I found out I was a fox therian after I did numerous different guided meditations each resulting in me seeing a fox as my theriotype. At first I didn’t believe it which is why I tried it many times after a while it finally clicked with me “This is real.”

My family doesn’t think non humans exist which is why I wish I could educate humans about non humans. I swear I feel like a character from X-Men the way I just worded that but anyways. I want to change the world and make it a much better place.

Now what got me into the otherkin community was one day I decided I wanted to be a werewolf. Not a werefox like I do now but a werewolf. I think the reason for that was I was a furry at the time and that was my fursona. I met these people on this very strange website that were complete lunatics. They thought they were gods (believe me I have ran into more people like that way too often. Very strange I know.) I fell for them because they seemed very able to manipulate me with there charm. The happiest day of my life was when they blocked me on social media. It just drove me crazy how much they would bother me everyday and how I wouldn’t realize it. They told me they were werewolves and they killed bad werewolves. Long story short I think they were in a cult. I can’t believe it wasn’t I who blocked them first lol. Anyways I then joined kinmunity because I was experiencing phantom shifts anyways that is all. Thanks!!!