
  • Astro posted an update 8 years ago  · 

    Hello everyone, my name is Astrophora. You can call me Astro. I’m a mermaid from the Pacific Ocean and while I’m not sure if I’m in exactly the right place since I haven’t found many merfolk here, I do feel like I can be taken seriously here. Ever since I first laid eyes on the ocean I’ve had a profound connection to it, and I suppose even from back then even when I was learning to adjust to my new human body I’ve known deep down that I was a mermaid, but it slept in my subconscious. I didn’t want to admit it because the idea was not only extremely mysterious but scary to me. In some aspects it still is, but I’ve learned to embrace this part of myself. I’m also a medium and have had many past life regressions of my time undersea.

    I decided to join this site because I was hoping to make some like-minded friends who I can comfortably share this part of myself with and to also look for two specific individuals. I have had dreams and recounts of two beings. One is a black dragon who acts as a guardian and teacher to a moon and fertility goddess. I don’t know his actual name but it sounds similar to Asenath. He’s incredibly old and intelligent and was a little infamous among his kin. The other is a bit new but he’s an elf named Kryorn. I know it sounds highly specific but that’s how I’m informed. He has long black straight hair half kept up in a high ponytail and a lot of his hair covering his right eye. He has fair skin and his eyes glow a white light and he has reddish bags under his eyes. His ears are extremely perked up and skinny and there’s a gold earring in his right earlobe. It’s pretty descriptive, but I feel like I am supposed to find these two beings and I figured here was as good a place as any to find them or resources that sound similar.

    If you’d like to know more about me, or think you know these guys, or even just want to chat and be friends feel free to message me! I’m a very friendly person and love meeting new folks! Thank you for your time <3

    • I’m a bullfrog fairy, more or less. I’m actually an atheist and rationalist who believes no such thing, because it doesn’t make any sense…but I really don’t know I’d pass a lie detector test if I said I was not a bullfrog fairy. I envision myself as a bullfrog with damselfly wings. I like the sound of peeper frogs and cicadas at night a great deal. I like swimming and the woods and small spaces. I’m kind of the opposite of a claustrophobic person. I like caves. I don’t really have friends though. Bullfrogs are too proud and arrogant for that. It’s MY swamp, I belch loudly like a dinosaur throughout the place. My belches can be heard for miles. The bullfrog has fought winged serpents from the moon before. They’re a type of dragon, but they’re pearlescent white and legless and armless, rather than black. They’re beautiful. They glow angelically…but they’re mindless predators, and fairy-eaters. They’re not clever enough to be teachers or true guardians, so far as I’ve seen. Evidently there’s more to moons than I’d thought, more than just wretched winged serpents. I’d assumed moons were just like spider egg sacks filled with the creatures. If there’s black dragons too, that’s interesting. I generally have respect for most dragons, and wyverns, and cockatrices, pretty much everything except the wretched winged serpents who I kind of want to nuke. #nuke the moon. Of course, it’s generally extremely unwise to not respect most dragons, because if you show that disrespect they’re quite capable of smooshing you into a fine paste with the flick of a wrist, or roasting you, or freezing you, or doing any number of unpleasant things to you with their magical breath, and that’s the primary reason why I respect most of them: self-preservation. But still, I’ve never met a dragon I didn’t like, except winged serpents, and they don’t count. I don’t get along with elves. They think the swamps and woods are theirs, whereas in actuality, it’s all MINE. i can belch louder than any of them. I will challenge any elf to a belching contest to earn the title LORD OF THE SWAMP and KING OF THE WOODLANDS and I will win! but I have no problem beyond that though with them. The merfolk are welcomed in my swamps, lakes, and streams whenever they wish though. Good luck in finding your dragon and elf friends. If you meet them, tell the dragon not to eat me ,and tell the elf I challenge him to a belching competition.