Arethinn aTinderel posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago ·
We’re now six weeks into the sign-up period to present at Shining Hearth. We’re looking for at least seven more presenters to fill out the timeslots aimed at the Americas, as well as still seeking anyone from Europe or east Asia/Australia regions to help us expand. Applications will be accepted for three more weeks, through January 10. Presenter…[Read more]
Arethinn aTinderel posted an update 3 months, 1 week ago ·
We’re now four weeks into the sign-up period to present at Shining Hearth, and are still sitting at two presenter applications. That means there’s many timeslots available through the weekend for all three regions outlined in the schedule – Americas, Europe, and Australia/Asia. Presentations can be on any topic that would be of interest to elfae…[Read more]
Arethinn aTinderel posted an update 3 months, 3 weeks ago ·
We’re two weeks into the sign-up period to present at Shining Hearth, and have received two sign-ups already. There’s still plenty of timeslots available through the weekend for all three regions outlined in the schedule – Americas, Europe, and Australia/Asia. Presentations can be on any topic that would be of interest to elfae folk and can be in…[Read more]
Arethinn aTinderel posted an update 4 months ago ·
Presenter sign-ups are now open for Shining Hearth! Presentations can be on any topic that would be of interest to elfae folk and can be in any format: lecture, panel, group discussion, demonstration, ritual, meditation, performance, etc. Timeslots are 1 hour long. This year we are offering additional timeslots that should be more accessible for…[Read more]
Cetanu joined the group
Fictionkin: Many worlds, many stories. 4 months, 1 week ago ·
Arethinn aTinderel posted an update 4 months, 2 weeks ago ·
Announcing the fifth anniversary of Shining Hearth, a free online gathering of Elves, Fae, Sidhe, and adjacent folk! It will be held on March 21-23, 2025, the fourth weekend in March, on our Discord server. You can get all the details and sign up for our newsletter on our website: https://www.shininghearth.net Please note that the event and server…[Read more]
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