Silent Voices Calling


The poetic focus of a Calling to others like ourselves.
Originally published on February 1, 2005 onĀ

By oak and ash and rowan tree
The ancient magic calls to thee
Who are kith and kin to we
By blood and spirit called to me.

By alder, elm and yew
Our community to renew
Healing it and growing too.
By flesh and bone and sinew

By land and sea and sky
Let our true kindred hear my cry
All that walk or swim or fly
Family can never die.

Feel the call of Dream, my friends
Feel the Song that never ends
Beneath the Tree that never bends
Feel the Song that never ends
Feel the call of Dream, my friends

Family can never die
All that walk or swim or fly
Let our true kindred hear my cry
By land and sea and sky.

By flesh and bone and sinew
Healing it and growing too
Our community to renew
By alder, elm, and yew.

By blood and spirit called to me
Who are kith and kin to we
The ancient magic calls to thee
By oak and ash and rowan tree.


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