Migrated Content |
The content below has been migrated from the original Otherkin.net website to the current WordPress-based version of the site. As such, the publication date is not accurate and should be disregarded. |
forest deep
redwood’s height
river swift
stars bright
lights glow
colour spins
flame leaps
dance begins
hands clasp
voice sings
fingers pluck
harp strings
majik flows
majik flies
moon’s light
laughter, sighs
couples, then
ancient dance
sacred cauldron
bleeding lance
faery majik
flowing far
living dreams
dreams are
This was originally written in the summer or fall of 1998 (when presumably I was going by the name Eshari, although I had a few others even then). It’s actually not in the otherkin section of my site, but one of the poetry sections: http://eristic.net/poetry/mysticpoetry.php